How Many Employees Do I Need In Order To Have A Vending Machine? 

The number of employees that are regularly working at your site is key. Typically, it takes at least 50 employees to make a site economical for vending machines.

Is There A Cost To My Company For The Vending Machine/Service? 

TC Vending will provide the machines and service free of charge.

How Often Do You Come By And Fill Up The Machines? 

As often as needed. Most accounts will be re-stocked a minimum of once a week.

What Is The Procedure If Someone Loses Money In The Machines? 

Vending machines from time to time do take people's money. Please leave a note on the vending machine and we will refund your money.

What Type Of Problems Might I Expect From The Vending Machine? 

Vending machines generally run without any problems.  However, from time to time breakdowns occur. The most frequently reported problem is the vending machine takes money but does not give a soda or snack. This is generally due to a coin jam or the dollar bill validator unable to read a bill. Keeping our customers happy and our machines full, clean, and working properly is our top priority.

Can We Request Specific Products? 

Yes. We are always open to your suggestions. We will constantly monitor what your employees like to eat and try to provide a variety of items they will enjoy. We spend a great deal of time selecting items that we will rotate through all of our Baton Rouge area vending machines. We have found that people have their favorites, but also like variety rather than looking at the same old snacks week after week.

Is There A Contract? 

Most often,  TC Vending does not require a contract.

How Long Does It Take For Delivery/Installation, And What Is The Process? 

Once you give us the go ahead to move machines in, we will be ready to go within 7 days. After we agree on an installation date, it shouldn't take more than several hours to move the machines in and get them all set up and working.

Are We Liable For Any Damage To The Vending Machine? 

None whatsoever. All you do is provide the space for the vending machine. If the vending machine is continually damaged or vandalized we may choose to remove it and terminate vending services.

Where In Baton Rouge Do You Provide Service? 

We provide service throughout the Greater Baton Rouge area and surrounding areas.


If you have any questions or concerns that were not covered in the Facts and Questions Section of this site, please feel free to contact us for any further questions that you may have! Thank you for taking the time to look at our site!